A glimpse into a vintage lovers life and style

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

weather and traffic report

Good Morning Cats and Kittens! and what a morning indeed...I'm oh so tired and just want to crawl into my warm, cozy bed, but alas, that wont be happening for many hours to come. The drive to work was a little stressful as the radio kept informing me of the insane amount of car crashes and pile ups and slick road conditions, but I made in just fine, minus the getting stick briefly as I pulled in to the parking lot.

I was suppose to get my teeth whitened yesterday after work. I gave myself an hour to get to the appointment, but after said elapsed time, I had only gone a handful of blocks, because of construction and people not knowing how to drive, resulting in car accidents. I called to say I was going to be late... about half an hour... well, half an hour later I had only made it a few more blocks from previous... and I would now miss my appointment. I really had to idea how horrible the yellowhead is... I honestly never use it... and for good reason too, I suppose. So, sadly, I pointed my car back towards the direction of town Im use to...South.

My boyfriend picked me up a little while later to take me to a film. We saw The Fighter. mmmm Marky Mark. enough said.

Then home for a late dinner and cuddles. And that brings us to now... mid week. Its suppose to warm up today to +8, which is nice because I hate the cold, but also annoying because it gets really messy and wet... which is not so nice.

PS. I brought tickets down to Rowena for my gig on Feb 4, with Eve Hell and The Razors, The Frolics and The Phantom Creeps. $10 in advanced or $12 at the door!

My gig: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=188225111192933

Rowena's fb page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/Rowenaedmonton

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